Does my credit card payment get treated as a ‘Government payment’?

Short answer, no! 

Credit card providers determine whether you are eligible for full rewards by looking at the billers MCC code. Our MCC code for Visa, Amex and Mastercard is 7399, which should not be excluded from their reward programs.

We process your transaction as a two-legged transaction. When you use a rewards credit card, you will earn points on the first leg of the transaction (payment into the Sniip Trust account) even if your payment method isn’t accepted directly, and even if you’d earn reduced points/ no points if you pay the biller directly (for example government billers).

Sniip will make payments via BPAY on the second leg of the transaction and this utilises the BPAY Scheme.

This means, when you pay with Sniip you can earn full reward points!