Financial Services Guide

Sniip Ltd

1 April 2022

This Financial Services Guide (FSG) is provided by Sniip Ltd ABN  86 161 862 068 (AR 1277519) (Sniip, we, our or us) to you in relation to our activities which involve the provision of financial services as defined in the Corporations Act 2001(Cth) (Corporations Act)

This FSG describes our services to assist you to decide whether to use them. It describes how we are remunerated, compensation arrangements, and how we handle any complaints you may have. 

1. Our Services

We do not hold an Australian Financial Services License (AFSL). Rather, we are authorised to provide general financial product advice and deal in financial products by issuing, applying for, acquiring, varying or disposing of financial products pursuant to an authorised representative and intermediary authorisation agreement between Sniip and Flexewallet Pty Ltd ACN 164 657 032 (AFSL 448066). Our dealing services are limited to non-cash payment products to retail and wholesale clients. 

We are not authorised to provide personal financial product advice. As such, any such financial product advice we provide will be general in nature and will not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Because of this, before acting on any advice, you should consider its appropriateness having regard to your own circumstances. 

Sniip provides eligible users with the ability to pay a bill by scanning the BPAY Biller Code and Reference number (BPAY Details) on a bill, negating the need to manually enter these BPAY Details and enter a bill amount in order to create a digital copy of the bill for payment. For more detail about this product, refer to the PDS at

2. How can you give us instructions

You can give instructions to us about our services by contacting us as described in section 7 below.

To become an eligible user of the product, you need to complete registration with the Sniip app. Additional information about the product, including about its features, costs, benefits and risks, is contained in the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) available at You should consider the PDS before deciding whether to obtain the product.

3. How we are paid

Sniip receives fees in connection with the product. 

An outline of these fees is as follows: 

  • A Sniip processing fee will be payable for each transaction (if applicable – see the Sniip Produce Disclosure Statement (PDS) for pricing). Service fees will be calculated and displayed to the customer, prior to making a payment.
  • A $25 fee will be payable for processing a payment reversal at the request of a user (where possible) and Sniip will retain any surcharges and fees paid by you in respect of that payment. 
  • Sniip may receive any interest paid in respect of user’s funds held in its account with the Australian Authorised Deposit Taking Institution (ADI) before a payment is made by the ADI.
  • Sniip may receive a fee from the ADI for processing a BPAY payment.

4. Professional Indemnity Insurance

We have professional indemnity insurance in place that satisfies the requirements for compensation arrangements under section 912B of the Corporations Act 2001

5. What to do if you have a complaint

If you wish to lodge a complaint about the provision of our services, please contact us as described in section 7. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint and attempt to resolve it as soon as practicable. 

We are a member of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority, which is an external dispute resolution scheme. If you are not satisfied with the way we respond to your complaint, you are entitled to take your complaint to:

Australian Financial Complaints Authority
GPO Box 3 
Melbourne VIC 3001

Phone: 1800 931 678


6. How you can contact us

Our contact details are as follows: 

Sniip Ltd ABN 86 161 862 068

Address: Sniip Ltd, Level 1/14 Edmondstone Street, South Brisbane QLD 4101

Phone: (07) 3268 7710
