State Of Origin Competition
Pay your bills through Sniip and enter the Sniip State Of Origin Competition to win one of nine prize packages
Competition Winners: Round 3

Competition Winners: Round 2

Competition Winners: Round 1

Competition Details
To enter the Sniip competition, ensure you are a registered user of Sniip. Each successful transaction over $100 (excluding processing fees or reward credits) will be allocated one entry into the prize draw.
To get your entry into the Sniip State of Origin competition, simply pay a bill of $100 or more from 6.30pm AEST 5 June and you’ll get one entry into the draw.
The more bills you pay, the more entries you get! There’s never been a better time to get Sniiping.
The competition commences Wednesday 5 June, 2024 at 6.30pm AEST and closes 1.30pm AEST Monday, 15 July, 2024. There are three rounds of the competition, each with three prizes, representing a total of nine prize winners.
Please review the Competition Terms and Conditions for an extensive breakdown of the competition.
The Prizes
Round 1, 2 and 3 prizes are detailed below
First prize
- NRL Jersey (QLD or NSW)
- State of Origin replica ball
- $200 Sniip bill voucher
Second prize
- NRL scarf and beanie
- $100 Sniip bill voucher
Third prize
- NRL cap
- $50 Sniip bill voucher

Round 1
A word from the winners
We had the pleasure of speaking to the winners of Round 1.
May we know which team you support?
Neil: New South Wales
Emily: New South Wales (because that’s where my husband Mitch is from)
Ash: Queensland
With 2/3 winners vouching for for New South Wales Blues, we could hear the groan of disappointment in their voices when we asked for their opinions on Game 1.
What did you think of Game 1?
Neil: I don’t think we have much to think of.
Emily: Mitch wasn’t too happy.
Ash: Did not follow.
Who’s your favourite State of Origin player?
Neil: Bradley ‘Freddy’ Fittler.
Emily: Mitch loves all of the Roosters players (Connor Watson – on bench though may debut, Luke Keary – reserves, and Angus Crichton – playing).
Ash: No idea.
How did you hear about Sniip, and what is your favourite feature of the Sniip app?
Neil: We were recommended to use Sniip through another business, and it’s easy to use!
Emily: I think I might have seen it on the back of a bill like Toowoomba Council and I downloaded it, I use it all the time! I love the recurring payments you can set-up so you can get ahead of bills before they come.
Ash: Online. I like the ability to make American Express payments.

Round 2
A word from the winners
We had the pleasure of speaking to the winners of Round 1.
May we know which team you support?
Luke: Queensland
Karen: New South Wales (that’s who my husband supports)
Donny: Queensland
What did you think of Game 1?
Luke: We were away at a work conference so we didn’t get to see it, but we will definitely be watching tonight.
Karen: There was a lot of cheering (and a little bit of yelling) coming from the couch where my husband was watching!
Who’s your favourite State of Origin player?
Luke: Reece Walsh – and fun fact, I sold Corey Parkers house!
Donny: Billy Slater, he was a gun.
How did you hear about Sniip, and what is your favourite feature of the Sniip app?
Luke: I was recommended to use Sniip by a work colleague. I like how you can scan any BPAY bill and pay it without needing to manually enter the details.
Karen: I think I might have seen it in an online forum. It’s quick and easy to use.
Donny: I was looking on Google trying to find a way to pay with my Amex. I like that Sniip sends you reminders when payments are due – it’s quick and easy to use on the go.

Let the rivalry begin!

Disclaimer: We do not claim ownership of any imagery related to the State of Origin series. All images, logos, and related media are the property of their respective owners