December's Top Bills 2024
Discover the most popular bills Sniip users are paying this month! We’ve organized the list by payment method, making it easy to find what works best for you—whether you’re paying with BPAY or directly to a biller’s BSB and account number.

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What payment method do you use?

The most popular payments with an American Express (Business)
- Australian Taxation Office
- Utilities (e.g. Urban Utilities, Aussie Broadband, Origin Energy, Unitywater, Telstra Corporation, Sydney Water, Greater Western Water, Taswater)
- Rates (e.g. Blacktown Council, Brisbane City Council, MBRC Rates, Ipswich City Council, Logan City Council Rates, Gold Coast City, City of Melbourne)
- Insurance (e.g. Medibank Private)
- Real Estate Services (e.g. Nelson Alexander x Kolmeo, Lucas Real Estate, Montgomery Real Estate, Bekdon Richards Real Estate, Areal Property Melbourne)
- Registration (e.g.Vicroads, Transport and main road registration, Tasmanian Vehicle Registration)
- Child Support Agency
- Electrical Services (e.g. AGL)
- Revenue/Land Tax (e.g. ACT Revenue Office, State Revenue Office VIC Payroll Tax, Revenue NSW Debt, Revenue NSW Fines)
- Real State Services
- Other Agricultural Product Wholesaling
- Electrical Services
- Waste treatment and disposal services
- Accounting Services
- Legal Services
- Petroleum Product Wholesaling
- Gardening Services
- Aircraft Manufacturing and Repair Services
- Advertising Services

The most popular payments with an American Express (Personal)
- Australian Taxation Office
- Utilities (e.g. Urban Utilities, Aussie Broadband, Origin Energy, Unitywater, Telstra Corporation, Sydney Water, Greater Western Water, TasWater)
- Rates (e.g. Blacktown Council, Brisbane City Council, MBRC Rates, Ipswich City Council, Logan City Council Rates, Gold Coast City, City of Melbourne)
- Insurance (e.g. Medibank Private)
- Real Estate Services (e.g. Nelson Alexander x Kolmeo, Lucas Real Estate, Montgomery Real Estate, Bekdon Richards Real Estate, Areal Property Melbourne)
- Registration (e.g.Vicroads, Transport and Main Road Registration, Tasmanian Vehicle Registration)
- Child Support Agency
- Electrical Services (e.g. AGL)
- Revenue/Land Tax (e.g. ACT Revenue Office, State Revenue Office VIC Payroll Tax, Revenue NSW Debt, Revenue NSW Fines)
- Real Estate Services
- Dental Services
- Specialist Medical Services
- Jewellery and Watch Wholesaling
- General Insurance
- Combined Primary and Secondary Education
- Accounting Services
- Professional Photographic Services
- House and Construction
- Advertising Services

The most popular payments with a VISA
- DEFT Payments
- Australian Taxation Office
- Utilities (e.g. Urban Utilities, Origin Energy, Optus Billing Services, Vodafone, Red Energy, Telstra Corporation, Unity Water, Yarra Valley Water Corporation, Sydney Water, TasWater)
- Rates (e.g. Fraser Coast Regional Council, City of Nedlands, Brisbane City council rates, Toowoomba Regional Council Rates, City of Stirling, Liverpool City Council, Cairns Regional Council)
- Financial Management (e.g. Hub24 Services)
- Real Estate Services (e.g. Nelson Alexander x Kolmeo, Beggin & Scott Melbourne, Xynergy Realty South Yarra, RLM Estate Agents, Great Neighbours)
- Registration (e.g. Transport and Main Roads Registration, VicRoads, ACT Vehicle Registration Renewal)
- PayWay Rent & Hire
- Education (e.g. Wesley College, Ballarat Grammar School)
- Real Estate Services
- Childcare Services
- Legal Services
- General insurance
- House Construction
- Office Management Services
- Legal Services
- Air Conditioning and Heating Services
- Gardening Services
- Education

The most popular payments with a Mastercard
- Australian Taxation Office
- DEFT Payments
- Strata Pay – Unit Levies
- Student fees (e.g. Queensland College of Teachers)
- Utilities (e.g. Urban Utilities, Origin Energy, Marden Energy, UnityWater, City of Gold Coast Water, Rockhampton Regional Water, Greater Western Water)
- Rates (e.g. Brisbane City Council Rates, Gold Coast City Council, City of Norwood Payneham &St Peters, City of Boroondara, City of Swan, City of Salisbury)
- Selfcare and Beauty (e.g. De Lorenzo Hair Care)
- Payway Rent & Hire
- Registration (e.g. Vicroads, Department of Transport WA – DVS, Transport and Main Registration Renew)
- Revenue (e.g. Revenue NSW)
- Plumbing Services
- Accounting Services
- Other Specialised Design Services
- Child Care Services
- Real Estate Services
- Legal Services
- Electrical Services
- Physiotherapy Services
- Education – Preschool
- Catering Services

The most popular payments with a debit card
Land tax nsw
- Tertiary/Student fees (e.g. Monash University, Queensland College of Teachers)
- School fees (e.g. Combined Schools)
- Utilities (e.g. Cairns Regional water, South Australia Water Corporation, Urban Utilities, Origin Energy, Telstra Corporation, UnityWater, Foxtel, Optus, Supa Energy, Yarra Valley Water Corporation, Red Energy, Central Gippsland Regional Water, Ergon Energy)
- Rates (e.g. Redland City Council, Brisbane City Council Rates, Sunshine Council Rates, Toowoomba Regional Council, Alice Springs Town Council, Sutherland Shire Council Rates)
- Australian Taxation Office
- Superannuation Funds (e.g. Sunsuper Contribution)
- Club Memberships (e.g. RACQ The Royal Automobile Club of Queensland)
- Insurance (e.g. BUPA)
- Real Estate Services (e.g. Residential Rental Agreement)
- Revenue (e.g. Revenue NSW)
- Accounting Services
- Preschool Education
- Real Estate Services
- Legal Services
- Housing and Construction Services
- Aged Care Residential Services
- General Insurance
- House Construction
- Dental Services
- Plumbing Services

The most popular payments with a bank account
Land tax nsw
- DEFT Payments
- Strata Pay – Unit Levies
- Real Estate (e.g. Calotte, Macquarie Leasing)
- Bank Cards (e.g. Gem Visa Card, HSBC Cards, Bank of Melbourne Cards, Mastercard, Commonwealth Bank of Australia Cards, American Express Australia)
- Utilities (e.g. Telstra Corporation, Optus Billing Services, Urban Utilities, Origin Energy, Vodafone, Unitywater, Aurora Energy, Sydney Water)
- Australian Taxation Office
- School fees (e.g. Redlands School, Wenona School, Sydney Church of England Grammar School)
- Registration (e.g. Transport and Main Roads Registration)
- Rates (e.g. Brisbane City Council, Toowoomba Regional Council, Logan City Council, City of Darwin, Redland Council, Hastings Council Rates, Randwick Council, Inner West Council)
- Centrelink
- Sports and Physical Recreation Clubs and Sports Professionals
- House and Construction
- Real Estate Services
- Residential Property Operators
- Accounting Services
- Plumbing Services
- Medical Services
- Building and Other Industrial Cleaning Services
- Landscape Services
- Legal Services