Our most frequently asked questions in July 2021
1. How will I know when the payment is received by the biller?
The bill is paid to your biller via BPAY the same day we receive the funds (generally the next business day).
The biller has to recognise the date of payment being the day it was paid via BPAY.
This is shown on the confirm screen before you submit the payment and you can also see this in the History section of your Sniip app.
2. I pay my rent via BSB and account number. Can your app be used to pay that or is it BPAY only?
Unfortunately we currently don’t offer payments to BSB and account numbers. We’re currently working on a solution and we’ll keep you posted!
3. How many points can I earn by paying ATO with my credit card? Would paying via Sniip offer a higher reward point earning?
We’re pleased to confirm you earn your full amount of loyalty points when paying with Sniip, irrespective of the card.
4. Why can’t I pay DEFT with my AMEX via Sniip?
We are currently working on this with AMEX. It’s a regulatory issue and we believe it can be overcome.
There are lots of customers who want to pay DEFT bills and we are just as keen to allow them.
We’ll keep you posted on our progress but hopefully not far away now!
5. With the $10 referral offer that I received. Does it expire? I don’t have to pay bills for a little while and want to make sure I don’t miss out.
Currently we don’t have an expiration date on referral codes, but we are planning to add one in the next few months. But you will be good for at least a few months.