October bills that will make your points skyrocket
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Payments with an American Express (Business)
- Australian Taxation Office – pay ATO bill
- Origin Energy
- Flow Systems Pty Ltd
- Urban Utilities
- Revenue NSW
- Brisbane City Council Rates
- Sydney Water
- Transport and Main Roads Registration Renewal
- Superannuation

Payments with an American Express (Personal)
- Australian Taxation Office – pay ATO bill
- Child Support
- Toowoomba Regional Council
- Sunshine Coast Council
- Vic Roads
- Department of Transport WA
- Brisbane City Council Rates
- Sydney Water
- Transport and Main Roads Registration Renewal

Payments with a VISA
- Urban Utilities
- Australian Taxation Office
- DEFT Payment Systems
- Brisbane City Council
- Transport and Main Roads Registration Renewal
- University Student Fees
- Host Plus
- Sunshine Coast Council
- Toowoomba Regional Council
- Body Corporate Payments

Payments with a Mastercard
- Urban Utilities
- DEFT Payment Systems Rent
- Australian Taxation Office
- Brisbane City Council
- Transport and Main Roads Registration Renewal
- University Student Fees
- School fees
- Construction and Building Unions Superannuation
- Origin Energy
- Strata Pay

Debit card
- Australian Taxation Office – pay ATO bill
- DEFT Payment Systems
- Brisbane City Council Rates
- Toowoomba Regional Council
- Origin Energy
- Sunshine Coast Council
- Transport and Main Roads Registration Renewal
- Urban Utilities
- Vic Roads
- Telstra
Land tax nsw

Payments with a prepaid card
- Origin Energy
- Telstra
- Brisbane City Council
- Sydney Grammar
- University fees
- Brisbane City Council Rates
- Urban Utilities
- Construction and Building Unions Superannuation
- Vodafone